to Jan 31

PATC Hostage Negotiator Level 3 Training - American Fork, UT

From the PATC Website: This training module is a continuation of the Phase I and Phase II Hostage Negotiations course. To qualify to take the Phase III Hostage Negotiations Certification you must have completed Phase I and II through Public Agency Training Council. No other hostage training courses will qualify an individual / team to receive a certification through Phase III.

This is a Tested Training Class. A 50 Question Test Based on Phase I, II & III will be given. A Passing Score of 70% or greater is required to receive your Certification Certificate. Each student will be critiqued and given feedback on their ability to fulfill the duties of a “primary” negotiator through this course. Other advanced topics covered in Phase III will be:

  • Negotiator Competencies and Influence and Persuasion

  • Supervision and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene

  • Hostage / Barricade Situations Considerations, Threat Assessment, and Indicators of Progress

  • Suicidal Risk Assessment and Intervention.

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills with Different Psychiatric Conditions.

  • Kidnap Negotiations.

  • Negotiating with Terrorists and Active Shooters

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities.

  • P.T.S.D. and Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Stress & Anxiety Management

For details and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/483-hostage-negotiations-phase-iii-young/963

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to Feb 12

2-day Advanced Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Training - TTPOA at Houston PD, TX

For registration and details see: https://ttpoa.org/advanced-training/specialty/courses/196

Here’s the course description from the TTPOA website: In this two-day training seminar, attendees will review advanced intervention strategies used during potential high risk incidents that may aid in stabilizing life threatening situations. This training course is designed to assist hostage/crisis negotiators, mental health officers and mobile crisis intervention team members and frontline responders, who will respond to incidents involving barricade or hostage situations, individuals experiencing mental illness, are in a state of crisis or who may be actively suicidal. This course will also assist first responders communicate with individuals who are agitated or in crisis with a goal towards decreasing the intensity of the situation by behavioral change. Verbal de-escalation techniques will be studied that may reduce the immediacy of the threat so that more time, options, and resources can be called upon to resolve the situation. Attendees will review advanced techniques used by mental health professionals to de-escalate persons in crisis, build rapport, and bring the person of concern towards behavioral change that will impact the safety of everyone involved. This course will review the concepts and techniques of crisis de-escalation and negotiation, suicide intervention and communicating with subjects suffering from mental illness, trauma reactions and/or in crisis. Training will also review the neurobiology and impact of trauma and how it affects behavior.

Training will include the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses and the techniques, strategies and challenges of communicating with those experiencing various mental health issues. Attendees will also review active listening skills, communication barriers and overcoming them in a way that better contextualizes their experiences to aid in creating communication strategies. Attendees will learn to better communicate with empathy while employing crisis de-escalation methods.

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to Feb 28

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course - Shelbyville, IN

For info. and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/181-hostage-negotiations-and-crisis-intervention-phase-i-and-ii-young/942

Topics covered include: Team Structure, Basics of Negotiating, Intelligence, Communication Skills:, Psychology in Negotiations, Terrorism and extremist groups, Case Studies and Scenarios, and Suicide Intervention.

Additional topics attendees will have gained knowledge in:

  • Recognize circumstances conducive to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize and apply strategies that contribute to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize a non-negotiable situation.

  • Recognize and understand risk/benefit regarding the use of third party intermediaries.

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to Mar 14

Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course (PATC) - Louisville, KY

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/181-hostage-negotiations-and-crisis-intervention-phase-i-and-ii-young/1043

Topics covered include: Team Structure, Basics of Negotiating, Intelligence, Communication Skills:, Psychology in Negotiations, Terrorism and extremist groups, Case Studies and Scenarios, and Suicide Intervention.

Additional topics attendees will have gained knowledge in:

  • Recognize circumstances conducive to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize and apply strategies that contribute to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize a non-negotiable situation.

  • Recognize and understand risk/benefit regarding the use of third party intermediaries.

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to Mar 28

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Level 3/40-Hour Advanced Certification Course - Rockport, TX

For information and registration: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/483-hostage-negotiations-phase-iii-young/1009

From the PATC website: Hostage Negotiations Phase III training module is a continuation of Phase I and Phase II that builds on the solid foundation of theories and practicum of Hostage Negotiations.

Phase III will provide comprehensive training in the following areas:

  • Supervisory and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene;

  • Prediction of Resolution of Hostage / Barricade Situations;

  • Mentally Disturbed / Suicidal Risk Analysis;

  • Communication and Negotiations Skills with the Mentally Impaired;

  • Managing Threatening Situations;

  • Stress & Anxiety Management and Psychological Threat Assessment;

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities

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to Apr 11

Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course (PATC) - Normal, IL

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/181-hostage-negotiations-and-crisis-intervention-phase-i-and-ii-young/1041

Topics covered include: Team Structure, Basics of Negotiating, Intelligence, Communication Skills:, Psychology in Negotiations, Terrorism and extremist groups, Case Studies and Scenarios, and Suicide Intervention.

Additional topics attendees will have gained knowledge in:

  • Recognize circumstances conducive to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize and apply strategies that contribute to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize a non-negotiable situation.

  • Recognize and understand risk/benefit regarding the use of third party intermediaries.

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8:00 AM08:00

The Use of Psychological Consultants on Hostage (Crisis) Negotiation and SWAT Teams - Sewell, NJ

The purpose of this 3-day training is to train mental health professionals for the unique work and challenges associated with being on a hostage (crisis) negotiation and/or SWAT team. This is a dangerous, delicate, and complicated profession that requires specialized training and experience to accomplish the goals of threat mitigation, peaceful resolution of critical incidents, and working effectively within a law enforcement agency. Mental health professionals generally lack the training necessary for this work and this course seeks to fill those gaps in training and experience.

This course also seeks to meet the new requirements set out by the NJ Attorney General regarding having a mental health professional attached to police SWAT and Negotiator teams.

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/592-the-use-of-psychological-consultants-on-hostage-crisis-negotiation-and-swat-teams/1013

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to May 6

2-day Advanced Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Training (PATC) - DuPont, WA

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/19-advanced-hostage-crisis-negotiator-training-andy-young/1074

Here’s the course description from the TTPOA website: In this two-day training seminar, attendees will review advanced intervention strategies used during potential high risk incidents that may aid in stabilizing life threatening situations. This training course is designed to assist hostage/crisis negotiators, mental health officers and mobile crisis intervention team members and frontline responders, who will respond to incidents involving barricade or hostage situations, individuals experiencing mental illness, are in a state of crisis or who may be actively suicidal. This course will also assist first responders communicate with individuals who are agitated or in crisis with a goal towards decreasing the intensity of the situation by behavioral change. Verbal de-escalation techniques will be studied that may reduce the immediacy of the threat so that more time, options, and resources can be called upon to resolve the situation. Attendees will review advanced techniques used by mental health professionals to de-escalate persons in crisis, build rapport, and bring the person of concern towards behavioral change that will impact the safety of everyone involved. This course will review the concepts and techniques of crisis de-escalation and negotiation, suicide intervention and communicating with subjects suffering from mental illness, trauma reactions and/or in crisis. Training will also review the neurobiology and impact of trauma and how it affects behavior.

Training will include the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses and the techniques, strategies and challenges of communicating with those experiencing various mental health issues. Attendees will also review active listening skills, communication barriers and overcoming them in a way that better contextualizes their experiences to aid in creating communication strategies. Attendees will learn to better communicate with empathy while employing crisis de-escalation methods.

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to May 16

40-Hour Basic Negotiator Certification Course - TTPOA, Corpus Christi, TX

This course will meet the requirements for becoming a Police Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator.

For information and registration see: https://ttpoa.org/advanced-training/specialty/courses/204

Course Objectives include:
: This opening block of instruction includes instructor and class self-introductions and an overview of the class curriculum, historical context of negotiations, provided materials and suggested readings. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture format.

Required/Suggested Equipment: This block of instruction is intended to make the student aware of the required equipment that is necessary on any hostage or barricaded response. It will also serve to alert commanders of what equipment is available. The equipment presented includes the hostage phone (demonstrated in Phase 2 of P.A.T.C. training), response vehicles, ballistic equipment, identifying raid jackets/hats, fiber optic cameras and listening devices, department radio tactical channels, amongst others. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture and power point format.

 Fundamentals of Hostage Negotiation: Students will receive general theoretical concepts on hostage negotiations that include the three different types of response incidents, the reason law enforcement agencies negotiate, emotion verses rationality, managing an incident, profiles of hostage-takers and hostages, negotiator selection, time management; amongst others. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture and power point and video format.

 Active Listening: Students will receive information on listening techniques used in hostage or crisis negotiations. They will understand the basic concepts of actively listening and restating or paraphrasing what they heard in their own words, confirming that they heard and understood the message being stated. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture and power point and video format.

 Mental Health for Negotiators: This component of the training addresses the psychological aspects of crisis negotiation. It will address irrational and inappropriate behavior and will give an overview of the differing personality disorders and mental illnesses that negotiators are most likely to encounter. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

Suicide: Students will be introduced to the common driving emotions driving suicidal individuals. The characteristics of major depressive disorder will be presented. Suicide risk assessment will also be covered.

Situation boards: This block will teach students how to manage information and intelligence during an incident. Students will learn the importance of correctly transposing incoming information. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

NOC Protocol: This block will assist in students arranging their Negotiations Operations Command. Students will learn the functions of all team members, and the importance of information sharing. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

Third Party Intermediaries: Students will be instructed on the considerations for using a TPI, and how a TPI can be used correctly. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

Tactical Role of the Negotiator: This block of instruction will address the role of tactical teams in a hostage situation response. It will examine the interagency cooperation that is required between tactical teams, negotiators, and incident commanders. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

Managing Demands: This block of instruction will examine strategies of managing hostage-taker demands and demands that are never negotiable in any hostage situation. The student will be presented with various tactics to soften demands or reframe them. This block will also explore working through hostage-taker deadlines. This portion of the training will be presented in lecture, power point and video format.

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to Jun 13

Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course (PATC) - Louisville, KY

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/181-hostage-negotiations-and-crisis-intervention-phase-i-and-ii-young/1044

Topics covered include: Team Structure, Basics of Negotiating, Intelligence, Communication Skills:, Psychology in Negotiations, Terrorism and extremist groups, Case Studies and Scenarios, and Suicide Intervention.

Additional topics attendees will have gained knowledge in:

  • Recognize circumstances conducive to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize and apply strategies that contribute to successful crisis negotiation.

  • Recognize a non-negotiable situation.

  • Recognize and understand risk/benefit regarding the use of third party intermediaries.

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to Jun 25

Negotiating Team Leadership 2-Day Course (PATC) - Panama City, FL

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/276-negotiating-team-leadership/1093

This two-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

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to Jul 1

Negotiating Team Leadership 2-Day Course (PATC) - Logan, UT

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/276-negotiating-team-leadership/1095

This two-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

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to Jul 9

Advanced Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Training - Negotiating with the Empathy Impaired and Psychopaths (PATC) - Santa Rosa, FL

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/1-hostage-negotiations-with-the-empathy-impaired-and-psychopaths/1101

This three-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

Day 3 will examine risk assessment and prediction, and other advanced topics like kidnap negotiations and negotiating via text. Examples from the instructor’s experience will serve as examples.

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to Jul 23

PATC Hostage Negotiator Training - Negotiating with the Empathy Impaired and Psychopaths - Columbus, OH

Love teaching this course and going back to Columbus to do so!

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/1-hostage-negotiations-with-the-empathy-impaired-and-psychopaths/988

This three-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

Day 3 will examine risk assessment and prediction, and other advanced topics like kidnap negotiations and negotiating via text. Examples from the instructor’s experience will serve as examples.

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to Aug 20

The Use of Psychological Consultants on Hostage (Crisis) Negotiation and SWAT Teams - Wayne, NJ

The purpose of this 3-day training is to train mental health professionals for the unique work and challenges associated with being on a hostage (crisis) negotiation and/or SWAT team. This is a dangerous, delicate, and complicated profession that requires specialized training and experience to accomplish the goals of threat mitigation, peaceful resolution of critical incidents, and working effectively within a law enforcement agency. Mental health professionals generally lack the training necessary for this work and this course seeks to fill those gaps in training and experience.

This course also seeks to meet the new requirements set out by the NJ Attorney General regarding having a mental health professional attached to police SWAT and Negotiator teams.

For more information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/592-the-use-of-psychological-consultants-on-hostage-crisis-negotiation-and-swat-teams/1007

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to Sep 12

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Level 3/40-Hour Advanced Certification Course - Louisville, KY

For information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/483-hostage-negotiations-phase-iii-young/1103

This is a Tested Training Class. A 50 Question Test Based on Phase I, II & III will be given. A Passing Score of 70% or greater is required to receive your Certification Certificate. Each student will be critiqued and given feedback on their ability to fulfill the duties of a “primary” negotiator through this course. Other advanced topics covered in Phase III will be:

  • Negotiator Competencies and Influence and Persuasion

  • Supervision and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene

  • Hostage / Barricade Situations Considerations, Threat Assessment, and Indicators of Progress

  • Suicidal Risk Assessment and Intervention.

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills with Different Psychiatric Conditions.

  • Kidnap Negotiations.

  • Negotiating with Terrorists and Active Shooters

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities.

  • P.T.S.D. and Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Stress & Anxiety Management

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to Jan 14

Intervention & Assessment Skills for Emergency Service Telecommunicators Working w/ Various Critical Incidents - La Porte, TX

From the PATC website: This course for emergency service telecommunicators will review basic crisis intervention skills, and also examine response to various critical incidents and crimes in action, such as active shootings, hostage incidents, kidnappings, and barricaded mentally ill or suicidal subjects.

Skills for intervention with the mentally ill or suicidal will be examined, along with general guidelines for response to critical incidents.  Case examples from the instructor’s experience as a police hostage (crisis) negotiator will serve as illustration of the topics covered in this course. This course will also devote time to practice and refinement of these skills

For details and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/553-intervention-and-assessment-skills-for-emergency-service-telecommunicators-working-with-various-critical-incidents/786

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to Dec 17

Negotiating Team Leader 2-Day Course (PATC) - Topeka, KS

This two-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

See the PATC website for registration!

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to Dec 6

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Level 3 40-Hour Advanced Certification Course - West Bloomfield, MI

For registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/483-hostage-negotiations-phase-iii-young/878

From the PATC website: Hostage Negotiations Phase III training module is a continuation of Phase I and Phase II that builds on the solid foundation of theories and practicum of Hostage Negotiations.

Phase III will provide comprehensive training in the following areas:

  • Supervisory and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene;

  • Prediction of Resolution of Hostage / Barricade Situations;

  • Mentally Disturbed / Suicidal Risk Analysis;

  • Communication and Negotiations Skills with the Mentally Impaired;

  • Managing Threatening Situations;

  • Stress & Anxiety Management and Psychological Threat Assessment;

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities

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to Nov 15

Tactical Communications & Crisis (Hostage) Negotiations Skills - Williamsburg, VA

This 2-day, 16-hour course is a deep dive into tactical communication skills and perspectives from a hostage (crisis) negotiations point of view. This course begins by reviewing the basics of crisis negotiations (e.g. Active Listening Skills), influence, persuasion, and rapport building in order to resolve crisis situations. A review of risk assessment and the prediction of harmful behavior will also be covered, as well as an overview of how to intervene with those in a psychiatric crisis. Crisis negotiator callout debriefings will be used throughout the course as examples of the principles discussed. 

Ø  This class is available to all criminal justice personnel who have daily contact with the public, especially if they respond to emotionally charged situations or may find themselves in such an event.


James City County Law Enforcement Center, 4600 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188

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to Oct 23

3-Day Advanced Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Training - McKinney, TX

The Texas Tactical Police Officers Association is sponsoring advanced negotiator training in McKinney, Texas. I’ll get to teach my 3-day advanced course. Negotiators, SWAT operators, and command staff are welcome! For more information and registration see: https://ttpoa.org/advanced-training/specialty/courses/91

This three-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

Day 3 will examine risk assessment and prediction, and other advanced topics like kidnap negotiations and negotiating via text. Examples from the instructor’s experience will serve as examples.

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to Sep 13

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course - York, PA

I’ll be teaching a 40-hour basic negotiator course in York, Pennsylvania

For registration and details see the PATC website

Course Objectives:

Introduction to Crisis/Hostage Negotiation

Team Structure

Basics of Negotiating


Communication Skills

Psychology in Negotiations

Terrorism and extremist groups

Case Studies

Suicide Intervention

Scenario-Based Training

And Additional Topics

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to Aug 30

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Level 3 40-Hour Advanced Certification Course - Granbury, TX

Training in Granbury, Texas! Honored to be invited to teach a 40-hour basic negotiator course!

For registration and details see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/upcoming/page-12/

From the PATC website: Hostage Negotiations Phase III training module is a continuation of Phase I and Phase II that builds on the solid foundation of theories and practicum of Hostage Negotiations.

Phase III will provide comprehensive training in the following areas:

  • Supervisory and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene;

  • Prediction of Resolution of Hostage / Barricade Situations;

  • Mentally Disturbed / Suicidal Risk Analysis;

  • Communication and Negotiations Skills with the Mentally Impaired;

  • Managing Threatening Situations;

  • Stress & Anxiety Management and Psychological Threat Assessment;

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities

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to Aug 23

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiating Team Leader 2-day Course - Pickerington, Ohio

Heading back to the Columbus, Ohio area to teach team leadership!

For registration and details see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/276-negotiating-team-leadership/577

From the PATC Website: This is designed for prospective, new and experienced team leaders of hostage (crisis) negotiating teams. This team leadership course will cover:

  • Elements of a Crisis Negotiating Team, including evaluating proficiency

  • Responsibilities of a team leader and decision-making

  • Characteristics of good team leaders

  • Team operation and coordination

  • Working with incident command

  • Working with and training with SWAT

  • New member selection and training, including personality characteristics

  • Group dynamics and organization

  • Kidnap negotiations

  • Equipment, supplies, and SOP’s

  • Decision-making scenarios/callout debriefings as examples

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to Aug 13

PATC Advanced Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Training 2-Day Course - Atlantic City, NJ

Advanced negotiator training in Cape May, NJ. I’ll get to teach my 2-day advanced course. Negotiators, SWAT operators, and command staff are welcome! For more information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/418-hostage-negotiations-with-the-empathy-impaired-and-psychopaths

This two-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

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to Aug 6

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiating Team Leader 2-day Course - Nampa, Idaho

Excited to teach my Team Leadership course in Idaho!

For registration and details see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/276-negotiating-team-leadership/627

From the PATC Website: This is designed for prospective, new and experienced team leaders of hostage (crisis) negotiating teams. This team leadership course will cover:

  • Elements of a Crisis Negotiating Team, including evaluating proficiency

  • Responsibilities of a team leader and decision-making

  • Characteristics of good team leaders

  • Team operation and coordination

  • Working with incident command

  • Working with and training with SWAT

  • New member selection and training, including personality characteristics

  • Group dynamics and organization

  • Kidnap negotiations

  • Equipment, supplies, and SOP’s

  • Decision-making scenarios/callout debriefings as examples

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to Jul 31

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Advanced Training, 3-day Negotiating with the Empathy Impaired and Psychopaths- Edneyville, NC

Negotiators, SWAT operators, and command staff are welcome! For more information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/1-hostage-negotiations-with-the-empathy-impaired-and-psychopaths/448

This three-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

Day 3 will examine risk assessment and prediction, and other advanced topics like kidnap negotiations and negotiating via text. Examples from the instructor’s experience will serve as examples.

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to Jul 24

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Advanced Training, 3-day Negotiating with the Empathy Impaired and Psychopaths- Franklin, TN

Negotiators, SWAT operators, and command staff are welcome! For more information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/1-hostage-negotiations-with-the-empathy-impaired-and-psychopaths/474

This three-day negotiation class is for police crisis (hostage) negotiators who have already passed a 40-hour basic certification course. Day one will review basic (active listening) and advanced (influence and persuasion) negotiator skills, and will use callout debriefings from the instructor’s past experience as examples. Day two will cover the advanced topics of negotiating with different psychiatric conditions, and will focus on negotiating with those who are personality disordered and/or empathy impaired. A 15-hour hostage standoff debriefing from the instructor’s past experience will serve as an example.

Day 3 will examine risk assessment and prediction, and other advanced topics like kidnap negotiations and negotiating via text. Examples from the instructor’s experience will serve as examples.

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to Jul 19

Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator 40-Hour Basic Certification Course - McKinney, TX

Teaching a 40-hour basic negotiator course in McKinney (Dallas area), Texas through the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association

For registration and details see: https://ttpoa.org/advanced-training/tactics/courses/84

Course Objectives:

Introduction to Crisis/Hostage Negotiation

Team Structure

Basics of Negotiating


Communication Skills

Psychology in Negotiations

Terrorism and extremist groups

Case Studies

Suicide Intervention

Role Play

And Additional Topics

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to Jul 12

PATC Hostage (Crisis) Negotiator Advanced (Level 3) 40-Hour Certification Course - Birmingham, AL

Returning to Birmingham to do a 5-day PATC advanced negotiator certification course!

For more information and registration see: https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/483-hostage-negotiations-phase-iii-young/453

From the PATC website: Hostage Negotiations Phase III training module is a continuation of Phase I and Phase II that builds on the solid foundation of theories and practicum of Hostage Negotiations.

Phase III will provide comprehensive training in the following areas:

  • Supervisory and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene;

  • Prediction of Resolution of Hostage / Barricade Situations;

  • Mentally Disturbed / Suicidal Risk Analysis;

  • Communication and Negotiations Skills with the Mentally Impaired;

  • Managing Threatening Situations;

  • Stress & Anxiety Management and Psychological Threat Assessment;

  • Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities;

  • Dealing with victims of P.T.S.D.

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1:00 PM13:00

Mental Health and Behavioral Health Symposium: Instilling Hope for All! Suicide Prevention & Crisis Intervention - Education Service Center, Lubbock, TX

I get to speak to educators from around the Lubbock area about crisis intervention.

From their website: As mental health and behavioral concerns increase in our schools, educators and counselors are feeling more overwhelmed with the needs of their students. Join us as we gain new insights into suicide prevention and crisis intervention strategies. What does preventative work look like and how can educators best support their students? Early identification is critical in this process! Considering at-risk populations, learn best practice strategies to instill hope in students. How we learn to handle a crisis situation enables us to be effective in connecting with our students as well as caring for ourselves.

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