For information and registration see:
From the PATC website: This training module is a continuation of the Phase I and Phase II Hostage Negotiations course. To qualify to take the Phase III Hostage Negotiations Certification you must have completed Phase I and II through Public Agency Training Council. No other hostage training courses will qualify an individual / team to receive a certification through Phase III.
This is a Tested Training Class. A 50 Question Test Based on Phase I, II & III will be given. A Passing Score of 70% or greater is required to receive your Certification Certificate. Each student will be critiqued and given feedback on their ability to fulfill the duties of a “primary” negotiator through this course. Other advanced topics covered in Phase III will be:
Negotiator Competencies and Influence and Persuasion
Supervision and Management of a Hostage Negotiation Team and Hostage Scene
Hostage / Barricade Situations Considerations, Threat Assessment, and Indicators of Progress
Suicidal Risk Assessment and Intervention.
Communication and Negotiation Skills with Different Psychiatric Conditions.
Kidnap Negotiations.
Negotiating with Terrorists and Active Shooters
Communication and Negotiation Skills Applicable to Jail and Correction Facilities.
P.T.S.D. and Traumatic Brain Injury
Stress & Anxiety Management